About Us
At Excel Therapy, our goal is to remove your pain and give you the skills and information you need to get you back to doing whatever it is you want. We aim to do this in the quickest possible time and use up to date technology and forward-thinking methods to create your plan, track your progress and ensure that you have fully recovered. By having the tools and skills to assess you, we can avoid giving you generic exercise plans that everyone else gets and provide you with a bespoke approach specific to your needs.

Our Process
Your recovery will be based on more than just one factor, and the combination each individual factor improving will result in resolving your pain. Your treatment plan is not just about removing your pain, it is about removing anything underlying that may leave you vulnerable to reoccurrences too. By combining our treatment plans with advice on how you can manage yourself through the process, we can be confident of giving you a long-term solution.

Here’s how we help you:
Get out of pain
Parts of your body can become swollen, strained, torn, compressed, overused or altered in sensation. In the initial phases of treatment, our objective is to reduce this pain.
Improve your mobility, stability and function.
By improving the mobility and stability of your body we can begin the process of giving you a long-term result. We do this by teaching you movements like how to push, pull, squat, twist and walk or run.
Get strong
Sometimes you need to develop more strength, speed or power. By using the latest technology, we can assess where all your weakness and strength imbalances lie.
Return to sports
If you intend to return to sports and intense activity you will require quick reactions and be able to absorb high impacts. In these instances, we will need to improve your ability to jump, sprint, react and change direction.
Ready to book?
It is easy to book your appointment online by clicking below. If you have any questions before booking then please get in touch.